Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy for Infants & Children
BCST is well known for its effectiveness in treating babies and children. Because of its gentle approach, it is even appropriate for newborns. BCST can have a profound effect by resolving issues early in life and preventing long term impact on the child’s physical and emotional being.
BCST can help with:
birth stress or trauma
breastfeeding latch difficulty
indigestion and acid reflux
mood or neurological disturbances
developmental delays
sensory integration difficulties
autistic spectrum disorders
Treatments also provide support during times of developmental transition (learning to roll, sit, crawl and walk) and other early life transitions (weaning and teething).
BCST sessions for babies and children include the parents and can be a wonderful way for the whole family to process a difficult birth experience or simply welcome their new baby into the world with the grounded support of a skilled practitioner.
What happens in a session with a baby or child?
Sessions with babies and children are a little different as they are given the freedom to move and play! I make contact with the child while they are held by a parent or while they rest on the table or a mat on the floor, or possibly while they move about the room. Using a light touch and finely tuned tactile listening, I sense subtle movements in the tissues and fluids of the body and facilitate the release of restrictions to restore balance and optimal functioning. One or both parents are present and included throughout the session. Though the focus may be primarily on the child, parents may feel the benefits of softening and calming in their own systems.
Some parents choose to have a BCST session soon after a baby is born in order to celebrate and welcome their little one as well as resolve any physical or emotional difficulties that arose during or after the birth. During the session, you have a chance to tell your birth story. Baby is included in the story-telling as we tune into how she (or he) responds as you speak, and we accommodate to her needs, slowing down at certain points in the story when her body needs to process and release. So much can be healed when given a chance to be heard, felt and acknowledged with non-judgmental compassion. My role is to listen while gently tracking how the fluids of your nervous system and baby’s are responding in order to facilitate settling, calming, and healing.